GRADES 5 – 9

Gallup StrengthsExplorer Assessment
  • An age-appropriate assessment and report that identifies their top 3 strengths from 10 themes
  • Students will begin to understand their individual talents and how to maximize their abilities in and out of the classroom
  • These strengths themes can help prepare students for the transition to high school.

GRADES 10 – 12

Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment
  • Each student takes the assessment and receives a Gallup Strengths Insight Guide
  • Our energetic and interactive program develops a deeper understanding of their strengths and enables them to aim them toward their career and future goals
  • Preparation for the world of work, college, or military


Gallup CliftonStrengths Assessment
  • Each student takes the assessment and receives a Gallup Strengths Insight Guide
  • Understanding their strengths helps students find a career that aligns with what matters to them
  • Our programs enables students to maximize achievement in college, enhances resume building and interviewing skills, and transition to the workforce.


IDENTIFY unique personal strengths

Our customized-programs utilize Gallup CliftonStrengths as a starting point:

Step 1: Each student will take a 30-minute talent-measurement assessment

Step 2: Students receive their top 5 unique strength themes

Step 3: Facilitators use each student’s unique results to craft a personalized journey towards developing these strengths and teaching them how to utilize them in the future in order to maximize success

IGNITE potential for leadership

Our curriculum is custom-built in collaboration with seasoned educators, professional leadership coaches, and experienced entrepreneurs who understand the needs of students and the power of connection between academia and the business world.

The CliftonStrengths assessments in the Identify stage are simply a starting point to a personalized program created for your specific student’s needs.

MAXIMIZE achievements

Student achievements in every facet of life are based on their awareness and implementation of their strengths now and into the future.

When students identify their talents, they have more confidence and motivation to achieve and become even more engaged in the educational process.

BUILD a team-focused culture

Not only will students discover their natural strengths, they will learn how to interact with others who have different strengths and learn how to best combine strengths for the advantage of the team.

Through our programs we see students of all ages begin to understand their peers on a deeper level and have a greater appreciation for their differences.

Ready to Build Your Program?

Connect with us today to learn about our custom programs. Ask us for references from school districts that have utilized our programs.