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Dave CNYBJ Blog

Reflecting on a Fantastic and Energizing Evening with so many Remarkable Businesses 

by David Casullo author of Leading the High-Energy Culture: What the Best CEOs Do to Create an Atmosphere Where Employees Flourish

I want to extend heartfelt congratulations to all the award winners and runners-up from the CNY Business Journal Best Places to Work event. Your achievements are a testament to the dedication, passion, and hard work you put into building exceptional workplaces that not only thrive but also support and uplift your employees.

As I stood in front of the room last week, I was struck by the incredible energy that filled the space.

It wasn’t just about celebrating success—it was about celebrating community, camaraderie, and leadership. The room was filled with people who understand that great workplaces are built on a foundation of trust, collaboration, and a shared vision of creating something meaningful.  And the message, that each of you carries a responsibility to be your best leader self within each of your organizations, and wherever you choose to aim your gaze outside of work, seemed to resonate with you all.

In reflecting on that energy, I am reminded that leadership isn’t just about being at the top, it’s about empowering everyone in the organization to contribute their unique talents, their ideas, and their passion. The best places to work cultivates an environment where every person feels seen, heard, and valued. It’s clear that each of you there has embraced that philosophy.

Again, congratulations to all of you! Let’s continue to lead with purpose, build with intention, and shape a future where our workplaces and communities thrive together.

Don’t be afraid to be great!

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